The Godfather

One line review: The power and emotions of the characters overwhelm the plot and provide a powerful experience for the viewer.

Movie Title: The Godfather

Actors: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard S. Castellano, Robert Duvall, Sterling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte, Al Lettieri, Diane Keaton

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Year: 1972

Genre: Drama

Method of Viewing: DVD

Location of Viewing: Home

Viewing with: No One

Rotten Tomatoes: 100% – One of Hollywood’s greatest critical and commercial successes, The Godfather gets everything right; not only did the movie transcend expectations, it established new benchmarks for American cinema.

My rating: ****

My assessment (the first 101 words at least): The Godfather is considered by some to be the greatest movie of all time, unfortunately I have a tendency to not enjoy these dramatic movie as much as the critics. I cannot deny the superb acting (even if I had trouble understanding Marlon Brando), all of these characters live and breathe with every move they make. My only problem is that I think the characters actually overwhelm the plot. The central plot to this movie is in the background, while the movie focuses on each individual character instead. It leaves you only focused on the acting rather than a whole story.

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