Revenge of the Nerds

May 31, 2010

One line review: Yet another 80’s comedy that is short on logic and long on stupid humor; how many more of these do I have to go through?

Movie Title: Revenge of the Nerds

Actors: Robert Carradine, Anthony Edwards, Timothy Busfield, Andrew Cassese, Curtis Armstrong, Larry B. Scott, Brian Tochi, Julia Montgomery, Michelle Meyrink, Ted McGinley, Matt Salinger, Donald Gibb

Director: Jeff Kanew

Year: 1984

Genre: Comedy

Method of Viewing: DVD

Location of Viewing: Home

Viewing with: Family

Rotten Tomatoes: 76% – Somewhere in all the fluff and garbage is just enough heart to make Revenge of the Nerds one of the forefathers of a generation of light-hearted comedies like American Pie, American Pie 2 and American Wedding.

My rating: **

My assessment (the first 101 words at least): I’m growing seriously tired of these stupid 80’s comedies. They have nothing to support them but their crappy characters and gags. Yes, Ogre is a fun character and basically the only reason this movie is getting all the way up to 2 stars. However, I feel that there’s so little to actually enjoy with this movie. I don’t know if watching all these movies has somehow made me a cinema snob, but I’m simply embarrassed to be caught watching these movies. Perhaps I’m out of the age range, and find it childish now, but this movie just feels worthless to me.