Friday the 13th

April 18, 2011

One line review: The film that represents so many of the horror genres has not aged well as it’s shock value diminishes.

Movie Title: Friday the 13th

Actors: Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Jeannine Taylor, Robbi Morgan , Kevin Bacon, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Mark Nelson, Peter Brouwer, Rex Everhart, Ronn Carroll

Director: Sean S. Cunningham

Year: 1980

Genre: Horror

Method of Viewing: DVD

Location of Viewing: Home

Viewing with: No One

Rotten Tomatoes: 60% – …perhaps more than any other film, it helped to popularize the slasher genre and codify the formula.

My rating: **

My assessment (the first 101 words at least): I think this movie servers as a good example for why psychological horror movies deserve to be promoted so much higher over those that rely on shocking, gruesome deaths. Nightmare on Elm Street shows some of it’s age, but it’s still a unique idea that can haunt you when you sleep. Friday the 13th seems to have had almost no impact on me. It probably doesn’t help that some of the more memorable scenes are ones I’ve already seen clips of, just because this movie was so iconic. It may have influenced many before, but it seems to lack something original.